
Anja's Artblog

Sunday 18 November 2012


Last Friday we have been exploring threedimensional illustration and built cardboard houses which was all I needed to feel just like a child again. It was so much fun and together we created a whole town which looks absolutely beautiful, doesn't it? I'd like to share some photographs of our tabletown - I made the hotel with a bookshop at the groundfloor. All the other houses are made by my coursemates. ♥

planning the house
house in progress
finished house -  I still need to take some decent photos..






Wouldn't you just want to live there? :)
Hope you enjoyed it. 

Saturday 10 November 2012

Location Drawing No. I

 This project is called 'Drawing Approaches' and quite a big part of it is location drawing. This means we're encouraged to travel to interesting places and record them in our sketchbooks - is there anything better than being an Illustration student? ^^ If only the weather would be slightly more friendly...
I've discovered the usefulness of water brushes though, which I barely put down these days. They allow me to effortlessly take my water colours everywhere and just start sketching. Brilliant stuff.
Anyway, here are some pages I filled being out and about Bournemouth and Marwell Wildlife. Enjoy.


Friday 2 November 2012

Nature Journal

So I've just finished the first Unit - we were supposed to fill a sketchbook according to a theme each of us had to pick out of a lottery wheel. I luckily picked myself 'nature' and was so pleased with it, since it's one of my main sources of inspiration and most of my work is hugely influenced by nature anyway as you might have noticed.:)  I still feel sorry for those poor souls that picked 'politics' or 'maths'...
Anyway, I had so much fun with this project and tried some new stuff like painting onto rotten leaves..:)
Here are some photographs and scans which I think are pretty self-explanatory and don't need any further comments. Hope you'll enjoy having a look through them. :D


....oh my. Instead of these endlessly long posts I make lately I should maybe consider making shorter ones more often...: /