
Anja's Artblog

Sunday 15 May 2011

Portrait Lifedrawing

Finally we had life drawing again!!!x3 
The focus was on the head/face of the gentlemen though, but it was nice to have a model again, that was able to sit still for so long.
I also tried oil paint for the very first time (what really is a shame, I guess...) and absolutely LOVED it. I really had no clue what great features this medium has! The fact that it dries so slow and you can work and blend in it as much as you like, simply is fantastic.
I'm really looking forward to paint more often with it, maybe I'll even use it in my final outcome for this Unit...

40 min, oil on canvas

10 min, charcoal on paper

3 min, charcoal on paper

1 comment:

  1. wow, besonders das erste bild hat es mir echt angetan, sieht unheimlich gut aus :)

    ich glaube, ich sollte deine posts hier öfter mal kommentieren, weil ich deinen blog echt mag und alle paar tage reinschaue. Du hast wirklich talent und es ist super spannend, zu sehen, was dabei herauskommt :)
