
Anja's Artblog

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Snow Fairy - W.I.P. IV

So, definitely the last w.i.p. post for this project. :) I'ts coming to an end, we just need to put together all the pieces for our assessment on monday which will apparently be 2 1/2 hours long...o_o we better prepare a decent presentation.
When I approached the end of those drawings the difficulties started to heap up. It's usually when you think you finally got used to a new technique that things go wrong the most isn't it? At least those are also the things which help you the most to get better.
I used masking fluid again which was especially effective for the gloweffects of the lantern. Btw, you should always use the same very old brush to apply the fluid since it will literally kill it within seconds. PLUS never use too much of it and give it enough time to dry otherwise you'll tear the paper like it happened to me. And honestly, it's SUCH a pain to try to apply washes on teared water colour paper...

 Also check and double check whether the pen you're using for the outlines (if you like to use some) is waterproof. And don't just use a damp finger but a thick brush fully loaded with water to avoid the lines bleeding completely into everything  leaving a complete mess like in this painting beneath...
That was even more of a pain to work with...

But eventually I finished all pictures and only have to bring them in book-form now. Adding text, printing, sewing it all together....I'm just hoping we don't want to produce too many copies.


  1. Wow. Einfach wow. Ernsthaft, ich bin unheimlich beeindruckt von deinem Projekt. Erstens mag ich die Idee, zweitens mag ich Buch-Projekte generell und drittens ist deine Umsetzung fantastisch. Es tut mir leid, dass ich dir gerade keine konstruktive Kritik geben kann sondern dich einfach mal ein bisschen vor mich hin lobe - du bist WIRKLICH, wirklich talentiert, die Umsetzung ist wunderschön geworden. DIe farben, die zeichnungen, die koloration. es ist nicht nur schön anzusehen, sondern ehrlich gesagt auch inspirierend ! Ich drücke die daumen für die benotung und muss nochmal betonen wie wunderschön ich dein projekt finde :)

  2. Liebe Anja,
    deine Art zu malen gefällt mir sehr gut! Am besten finde ich die "Schneeflocken" aus THE SNOW FAIRY! Toll, wie du eigene Erlebnisse in deiner Geschichte in so wundervolle Bilder umsetzt!
    Jeder,der sich diese Illustration ansieht,muss einfach begeisert sein.Weiter so!
